June 6, 2009 - Never did post a blog on the day we arrived back in Portland, which was Wednesday June third. It felt like returning home after a long trip, moving to a new home, and attempting to reconnect with everyone. So I have the excuse that it has been overwhelmingly busy. But here we are, feeling much at home. Maybe living at a marina is like living at an RV park on the water. L and L
Saturday, June 6, 2009
End of this adventure
June 6, 2009 - Never did post a blog on the day we arrived back in Portland, which was Wednesday June third. It felt like returning home after a long trip, moving to a new home, and attempting to reconnect with everyone. So I have the excuse that it has been overwhelmingly busy. But here we are, feeling much at home. Maybe living at a marina is like living at an RV park on the water. L and L
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
June 2 - A good day traveling brought us to Newburyport by 1:30. Tied up at the town docks. Called Sheila, and she and Joel came to see the boat and gave us a ride to Dharma class in West Newbury at 7 PM. After class we were blessed with a visit by almost all the Sangha members who were there. Most auspicious was a blessing by Geshe complete with prayer flags and scarves. The Tempe Teh now looks most beautiful. We are planning to leave by 5 AM with the intention of making it all the way home to South Portland tomorrow. L and L
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1 - Got a late start waiting for the small craft warning to lift. Very windy after the storm of last night. Today however was clear and sunny, mostly on the cool side which actually felt invigorating. We were treated to the beautiful sight of many whales today. We agreed this was the high point of the journey. Anchored now in Gloucester, Ma. This may have been the easiest harbor to get into, with plenty of space for anchoring. Very uncrowded, beautiful harbor. I remember driving here one day to find the Crow's Nest Bar after the movie Perfect Storm came out. ( the true story of the ill-fated sword fish ship out of Gloucester. The captain played by George Clooney). L and L
Sunday, May 31, 2009
May 31 - Good sailing today ( actually did have the sails up for awhile). Made 10 knots going with the current through the Cape Cod Canal. We are now at a mooring in Provincetown. The sky has turned dark and the wind is howling. Lorny had wanted to row the dingy in to town. I'm so glad he changed his mind.
I have been trying to find out the meaning of Tempe-Teh for a while now. I checked in German, Dutch, Indonesian. In Indonesian it means tempeh ( the fermented soy beans) and Teh means tea. That didn't make much sense. In French Tempe means temple. Tempe also is a valley in Greece where there was a Temple to Apollo. Teh is a way of saying THE ( an adulterated way). How's that for a boat name - The Temple. If anyone has access to any other possible meaning let me know. Thanks L and L
Friday, May 29, 2009
May 29 - Happily we got expert advice on tightening up something around the rudder shaft, and two new bilge pumps,which has greatly improved the water in the bilge situation. The sailing community is certainly helpful and sociable. Other wooden boat owners immediately gravitate to our boat. Most of them love sailing in Maine, and know a lot more about it then we do. We are very encouraged hearing how similar problems were solved concerning living aboard, maintaining, and sailing a wooden sailboat. Our plan is to leave Point Judith tomorrow and head for Cape Cod Canal. L and L
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
May 27 - Weather forecast not great, wind in the wrong direction, seas 3 -4 feet. We left Fisher Island anyway headed for Newport Road Island. We agreed that we needed to get to a marina because the leak(s)had gotten worse, and last evening the rear bilgepump quit working. Too our suprised the manual rear bilge pump also did not function despite much time and effort. We hauled the water out using a 2 person bucket brigade. Then Lorny took the forward pump and put it aft. The only problem was he couldn't rig up the automatic censor. I set my phone alarm for every hour so one of us could get up and turn on turn on the pump. Due to the wind and current we were only able to do an average of three knots, so decided to head into Judith Point RI, which was a total distance of 30 miles instead of the 47 to Newport. Even though we had continued to turn on the pumps often, by the time we got there the bilge water was HIGH. Fortunately this marina has a haul out lift and repair people. They lent us a heavy duty pump for the night. Tomorrow we will see if the boat needs to be hauled out for the repair. We are both glad to have made it here. It is called "the harbor of refuge". It certainly feels that way to us. Lorny said he's suprised we made it. I told him that I had asked for Archangels to
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
May 25, 26 - We had a very good day of motoring/sailing yesterday, accomplishing 8.8 knots for awhile. Traveled 70 miles to anchor off Fisher Island, which is a little east of New London. Fisher island has a population of 3 to4 hundred, is part of New York State, though we are now past NY and Long Island. It has some very large dwellings. I was a bit discouraged yesterday after checking today's weather, and the captain said we would probably not be going anywhere due to high wind coming in our direction. So here we sit listening to the wind. I did make some delicious brown rice crispy desert with rice syrup, barley malt, toasted sesame seeds sunflower seeds pecans, and brown rice crispy cereal. L and L
Sunday, May 24, 2009
May 24, The day started out with dense fog. We left Oyster Bay at 9 AM as soon as it started to lift. Once back out in the sound it was like The Twilight Zone, still and eerie, the water like glass,everything white. I love fog, it feels to me that the world exists in an immediate, insulated but mysterious space. Eventually the sun came out, the wind picked up, Lorny even got the sails up for awhile. We are anchored in a cove off a little town in Connecticut called Milford. L and L
Saturday, May 23, 2009
May 23 - Got a good start headed east up Long Island Sound, wind picked up after a couple hours, right at us 20 knots from the east. We also did not calculate the strong current against us on the Western End of Long Island. So we slowed down to 2 knots. After fighting the waves and wind we decided to pull in at Oyster Bay ( home town of Billy Joel). Having grown up on the south shore of Long Island, which has it's beautiful beaches it's true, I have always held the north shore with extra reverence. I really thought I would never set foot on Long Island again since my parents are both gone. So we walked the short distance to the town to do laundry and buy more groceries, had lunch in a bakery cafe. I would have given up the the visit though, for more progress in the miles department, as we only went 20 miles in 6 hours. I used to want to walk the Appalachian Trail, another hair brained, but probably faster getting there, idea. L and L
Friday, May 22, 2009
May 22 - Whew, even on the water New York is exhausting. We were able to coordinate getting to the Battery 2 hours after low tide, so we went with the incoming tide. At one point we were going 9 knots. A new record for this boat. Lorny discovered that the slow leak in the stern of the boat is getting a bit worse. There are two bilge pumps which are automatic, which keep on top of it. Then there are two manual ones, in case they don't work. He thinks it is coming from behind where the defunct generator is. We are at anchor for the night at City Island, at the beginning of Long Island Sound. Is this trip long, or what? L and L
Thursday, May 21, 2009
May 21- Back in northern waters ! We are anchored in Sandy Hook NJ. We can see the NYC skyline and the Verrazano Bridge. Very tempting to head right in to New York Harbor, but we need to time it with the tides and currents going through the Hudson into the East River, and then into Long Island Sound. The current in New York harbor can run up to 3.5 knots and at Hell Gate it's up to 5 knots. If we go against it we won't move much. So now to do some math problems. L and L
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 20 A good run from Atlantic city to Barnegate Bay New Jersey. Neither of us wants to sail through the nights, but the going in and out of new harbors is still high stress. We're learning.Eventually you can't help it. We have charts, guide books and a GPS. Often the bouys have been moved or are not on on the charts, or the bottom depths have changed due to shifting and shoaling on the bottom of the inlets. Like predicting the weather - the elements are changing and fluid. So we are anchored here near the lighthouse in Barnegat Bay till a renewed and early start tomorrow morning.
L and L
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
May 18. Oh Lord stuck in Lodi again. A catchy tune. So here we sit another day, anchored off the Cape of May. There are now 9 other sailboats anchored in this harbor. Another day of fairly strong north winds. With 5 foot waves and north winds we would only go about 3 to 5 knts. Tomorrow WILL be better weather for sure. The good thing is, is that we figured out how yet another apparatus on this boat works. ( There is 220 electric current, with a converter with a few plugs for 120. These can be used when connected to a source of electricity. There are about five 12 volt plug ins, the type that have the connector that charges off a car battery. These charge off the boat battery. There is a solar panel. This keeps the refrigerator and bilge pump and water pump going. What we discovered is how to get the inverter which converts the 12 volt plug ins for use with a regular plug to 110 - for charging phones and lap tops.) Whatever ! L and L
Sunday, May 17, 2009
May 16 and 17. Remain at anchor in Cape May Harbor due to thick fog yesterday, rain, winds to 25k and 4 to 6 ft. waves today. I do not like giving up 2 days of travel,as I would like to get home, but the captain made a wise decision to stay here. The rest is good. Made a lunch of fried rice. We do have books to read, which we have not had the time to do while under way. L and L
Friday, May 15, 2009
May 15, 2009 Awoke with a thud to find the boat drifting with it's stern to the dock. The Cohansey River has very strong tides ! We decided it was good to take advantage of it and left the dock at 6 AM. Made great time as long as the tide was going out, even reaching 8 knots/hour ( equal to about 10Miles/hour ). Our average is about 5.5 so we managed to make it to Cape May NJ by 3PM ( a total of 60 miles). This was our first experience with the Tempe Teh out in the open ocean. The boat liked it. We also liked it, but were glad to finally tie up in more peaceful water. Took a taxi to buy groceries, ate dinner, put in some laundry. Tried to fix the toilet ( not the first time). L and L
Thursday, May 14, 2009
May 14,
I am having trouble getting the photos to publish. there are a bunch from yesterday I like. So maybe they will work with today's blog. Today John decided to take a ride into wilmington with a man living aboard a boat at the marina. From there he got a bus to New York, and then on to my Aunt's. Lorny and I are left to our own devices. I was not happy to pull out of the dock quickly before having a chance to put our corse on the GPS, check the weather or wash the dishes. I had also thought there would be enough time to do some laundry at the marina. Plans were changed suddenly and off we went. The weather turned windy and rainy 15 to 20 knots blowing right at us with 3 to 4 foot waves. I did manage to get the dishes washed before things started banging around. and got the GPS plotted so that we could get into a marina on the Cohansey River (NJ). A winding deep river. The water was much calmer for a while, but shortly after we got tied up the wind began to howl. So here we sit for the night. I did make a pretty good dinner of Seitan, carrots and soba noodles. Tomorrow the forecast is for better weather. L and L
I am having trouble getting the photos to publish. there are a bunch from yesterday I like. So maybe they will work with today's blog. Today John decided to take a ride into wilmington with a man living aboard a boat at the marina. From there he got a bus to New York, and then on to my Aunt's. Lorny and I are left to our own devices. I was not happy to pull out of the dock quickly before having a chance to put our corse on the GPS, check the weather or wash the dishes. I had also thought there would be enough time to do some laundry at the marina. Plans were changed suddenly and off we went. The weather turned windy and rainy 15 to 20 knots blowing right at us with 3 to 4 foot waves. I did manage to get the dishes washed before things started banging around. and got the GPS plotted so that we could get into a marina on the Cohansey River (NJ). A winding deep river. The water was much calmer for a while, but shortly after we got tied up the wind began to howl. So here we sit for the night. I did make a pretty good dinner of Seitan, carrots and soba noodles. Tomorrow the forecast is for better weather. L and L
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12- I'm pretty sure it is. so here we are Chesapeake Bay another day. It is 200 miles long. I think we went about 40/45 miles today. a good day says Lorny - he caught two very large fish -way too large for us to keep. We have a dorm size refrigerator. I was glad he didn't keep them. They looked so powerful and strong, I would have not liked to kill and eat them. We ran aground again attempting to anchor in Selby Bay in the south river. We have learned something about being grounded anyway, and were able to get out into deeper water. so we are at another marina. Lorny and I both subscribe to the idea that if something happens twice, it happens three times. I have found this to be true. so at least each time we were able to remove ourselves from the situation easier. Two more days and John will jump ship, possibly in Delaware. He needs to get back to North Bergen to escort our Aunt to Italy. We have been greatful for his tremendous help in painting the bottom and helping with all the work that is required to get this large old boat safely home to the DEEP rocky shores of Maine.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
s l o w l y
Saturday, May 9, 2009
May 9, 2009,
Pulled up anchor in the East River off Mobjack Bay,Virginia at 7 Am, headed back due north. Traveling at 7.6 knots with all three sails up for part of the day. Swarms of flys attacked the boat, yesterday and today. We wouldn't mind but they bite. didn't think mosquito netting would be necessary so did not bring it. Sailed until 530 with our planned destination being The Great Wicomoco River, which like the East River, along with others, flow off Chesapeake Bay. About 5 more miles and we will be in Maryland. Docked at Reedpoint Marina. A small marina. We were smack in front of a restaurant with an ourdoor deck. Everyone was enthralled by our boat. A thunderstorm with sheets of rain put all the power out during dinner at the restaurant. In the dark we were treated not only to a phenomenal storm but a great southern comraderie not to mention the hushpuppies. ( whoops, I don't think those are macrobiotic). L,L and John
Pulled up anchor in the East River off Mobjack Bay,Virginia at 7 Am, headed back due north. Traveling at 7.6 knots with all three sails up for part of the day. Swarms of flys attacked the boat, yesterday and today. We wouldn't mind but they bite. didn't think mosquito netting would be necessary so did not bring it. Sailed until 530 with our planned destination being The Great Wicomoco River, which like the East River, along with others, flow off Chesapeake Bay. About 5 more miles and we will be in Maryland. Docked at Reedpoint Marina. A small marina. We were smack in front of a restaurant with an ourdoor deck. Everyone was enthralled by our boat. A thunderstorm with sheets of rain put all the power out during dinner at the restaurant. In the dark we were treated not only to a phenomenal storm but a great southern comraderie not to mention the hushpuppies. ( whoops, I don't think those are macrobiotic). L,L and John
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009 - Travels: Piney Island to Coinjock Bay, to Currituck Sound to North Landing River,through several bridges, now tied up at a free spot at The Great Bridge. No water, showers or electricity, but there is no charge to tie up for the night. Enjoyed the rain, the first part of the day, it was cooler,though hard to see out of pilopt house windows. NOW IN VIRGINIA. L,L and J
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A blessedly uneventful day
May 6, 2009 - Some hairy moments due to 2 to 6 ft. depts on either side of the chanel ( we draw 5 and a half feet). Left the marina at 7 AM. Fair weather. Did not go through the Dismal Swamp due to reputable advice concerning shallow waters.Crossed Albemarle Sound to North River to intracoastal canal to a Marina in Coinjock, a town of about 300 people. John was looking for an ATM, which he was told was a mile down the road. There were two, but they were out of order. He was very pleased, however, to eat a lunch of a softshell crab sandwich, which have just come in to season. I was not crazy about eating a crab with the shell on it even if it was soft. what do I know. L,L and J
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A rainy day at the Alligator River Marina
Lorny worked on repairing the rudder all day. The time passed doing laundry,made some oatmeal cookies ( macro style). L,L and J
Monday, May 4, 2009
oy veh
May 4th - Motored out of the Alligator River Marina at 730 Am, following a sailboat also bound for the Dismal Swamp. He went a bit faster and we lost sight of him. John at the helm following GPS. Wrong ! Run aground again. Groan. No! A Benateau behind us also following his GPS ran aground. Once again called Tow Boats US. This time managed to get fairly easily pulled to deeper water. Apparently, GPS was incorrect. However ther were chanel markers in the distance we should have trusted more, and we would have been ok. So no charge for towing this time ( we do have towing insurance. There's no charge if they get you out within an hour. After that it multiplies a thousand times a minute.) Quickly discovered that the rudder repair we had paid $1,000.00 for two days ago had given way, and we were without steering. The towboat had barely gotten away, so Lorny called them back. Towed in through very rough waves. Back to the marina. So tomorrow is yet another day. Lorny thinks he can repair it. At any rate, the nearest town is twelve miles, and a mechanic may not be easy to get to make a boat call. So it could have been much worse. We could have lost the steering in the middle of the ocean, or crashed into some rocks. We are thankful once again to be safe. L,L and John
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Set out at 6 AM. Good sailing ( rather motoring) until a rainy thunder storm. Over after an hour. We have quite a number of deck leaks. I occupied myself with bowls and containers down below. Lorny went out with a tether at one point during the storm to refasten the not very well rolled up sail which was thrashing around. John was at the helm, and did a very fine job. We put in at the Alligator river marina and will stay here for the night. We are at slip 13. Tomorrow we head into the Dismal Swamp.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
They do say boats are a money pit
Here we sit at the dock for rudder repairs. Lorny is able to help some. Being Saturday the mechanics pay is double. I won't even mention the towing fees. But we are all safe, and none the worse for the wear. Lorny said maybe we will get a Winnebago instead (unfloating). Stay tuned, we may be on our way tomorrow ? L,L, and John
Friday, May 1, 2009
day two - back where we started
Left the dock at 7 AM. Stuck in black mud at 9AM. Didnt get unstuck till 8PM. Took two tow boats. Then found that the rudder had been damaged during the towing, so we had no steering, and needed to be towed back in for repairs. Now 9PM, so won't work on that till tomorrow. Glad to be safe and sound. Practicing many virtues. L and L and John
Thursday, April 30, 2009
After nine days in the boat yard in Belhaven North Carolina, the Tempe-Teh is back in the water. Yeah! So we are over a week behind our planned schedule. The boat is looking (and smelling) so much better. I have just made a meal of fried rice. Tomorrow we will set sail. I will try and add to the blog daily. Maybe it will be more interesting then what we ate! Lorraine
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