Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009 - Travels: Piney Island to Coinjock Bay, to Currituck Sound to North Landing River,through several bridges, now tied up at a free spot at The Great Bridge. No water, showers or electricity, but there is no charge to tie up for the night. Enjoyed the rain, the first part of the day, it was cooler,though hard to see out of pilopt house windows. NOW IN VIRGINIA. L,L and J

1 comment:

  1. Omigod, Lorraine, quite the saga generally! I just managed to get caught up on your blog. (Maybe "caught up IN" is more to the point! It makes breathtaking reading!) I know that before you left I made some happy comment about you getting a chance to know your boat as you sail back, but this is giving you in-depth knowledge with a vengeance! I guess it is good that your fair craft is giving you plenty of Buddhist practice... Still, I'm wishing you no further "oy veh"s and fair and easy sailing the rest of the way home.
    Love to all 3,
